IBIP To Sponsor 2017 Election Integrity Conference

To safeguard the integrity of the 2018 General Election, the Illinois Ballot Integrity Project is working with organizations, groups and individuals to secure the passage of the Illinois Election Integrity Act (HB 712 / 834) in time for the November 6th General Election.

Illinois cannot afford computerized election theft in 2018.

The Illinois Election Integrity Act (HB 712 / SB 834) will require three new election audits throughout the State. These audits will assure the accuracy and integrity of all Illinois Elections.

To educate our elected officials on the vulnerability of the Illinois Election System, a special 2017 Election Integrity Conference will be held on Saturday, September 16th from 9:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.

The Conference location is the IBEW # 701 Union Hall in Warrenville, IL.

The conference is free and is open to the public.

All Illinois State Representatives and Senators will be invited to the Conference as well as media representatives.

Speaking at the Conference will be nationally recognized authors, researchers and election integrity activists who will provide an introduction to U.S. and State of Illinois Election System Security Weaknesses.

An introduction to the single solution, Illinois Election Integrity Act, will also be provided.

Donations to cover conference expenses can be made online or by check by visiting the IBIP Election Integrity Conference Web Site.

Author: Lawrence Quick

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