Democrats 2020 is a powerful program that will attract thousands of new volunteers to the Democratic Party. At its core are Democratic values and grassroots organizing. The immediate goal is to prepare for the 2020 General Election.
The long-range goal (2020 and beyond) is the creative transformation of the Democratic Party, our government and our nation. Democrats 2020 has the blueprint, the tools
Quick ’N Clean Foundation.
CORE DEMOCRATIC VALUES – To attract thousands of new volunteers, the Democratic Party must be built upon three core values – economic justice, human rights
BLUEPRINT – When running a baseball diamond, a player must touch all bases to score. Likewise, to recreate itself and score key victories in 2020, the Democratic Party must cover all bases. No base can be missed! To recreate itself the Democratic
Party must cover these four bases:
1st Base – Message (powerful platform built on core democratic values)
2nd Base – Candidates (qualified and ethical)
3rd Base – Campaign Finance (clean election laws as passed in ME, CT and AZ)
Home Plate – Election System Integrity (inclusive, transparent, accurate)
ACTION-PLAN TOOLS – What are the action-plan tools that will cover all the bases?
On which bases are they located?
1st Base ( Message) Ten-part DEMOCRATIC platform built upon economic justice,
human rights and environmental sustainability www.qnc.us
2nd Base ( Candidates) Democratic Candidate Recruitment Manual, Building Dynamic
Precinct Organizations Manual, 25 Quick Steps to a DPO Manual www.qnc.us
3rd Base ( Campaign Finance) Federal and state clean election laws providing public
campaign funding, sensible spending limits and voluntary participation
Home Plate – (Election System Integrity) Democratic Election Integrity Committee
Manual, Ballot Integrity Project Documents
ACTION PLAN – To assure that the Democratic Party covers all the bases, Democrats
2020 includes a 20-point action plan covering local, state and national rollouts.
Click here for additional documents and tools (PDFs) that provide an overview of Democrats 2020:
- Democrats 2020 Defined
Program goals - Democrats 2020 Tools
Program toolkit - Democrats 2020 Introduction
Program overview - Running the Bases Model
Program blueprint - Democrats 2020 Gifts
What we’ll get